Patient Participation Group


Our Patient Participation Group (PPG) meets to provide a forum for discussion about the practice.

Forrest Medical Centre is committed to ensuring that patients are involved in decisions about the range and quality of services provided by our practice.

We also want to reach out into our local community to improve health education, wellbeing and support networks. 

We have an active Patient Participation Group (PPG) who are helping us to achieve this and welcome any new members - please do fill in the online form to register your interest.

There is also an option for being a 'virtual member' where you can be included in our meeting minutes and email updates - allowing you to comment and be involved from a distance. Or you can do a bit of both!

Please see to reception if you wish to be part of the virtual group and we will add you to our mailing list

What is a PPG?

  • A group of staff and patients who meet to discuss how to improve and develop services within the practice 
  • To provide an opportunity for patients to make positive and constructive suggestions/ideas  
  • To encourage health education activities within the practice and into the local community 
  • Fund raising to improve patient experience at the surgery, and to benefit local and national charities 

We meet quarterly at the practice and there will always be a practice representative present. Please see our patient charter for more information about our aims and objectives (below)

If you are interested in becoming a member of our Patient Participation Group and helping to shape the nature of health services provided in your local community, please contact us via our secure online form


Forrest Medical Centre Patient Reference Group Charter

Aims and Objectives

  1. To act as a representative group that can be called upon to influence the local provision of health and social care
  2. To encourage communication and discussion between the surgery and patients on topics of mutual healthcare needs
  3. To encourage self-help, promote good health and health education in the community
  4. To allow patients to make positive suggestions about the practice and its services/other initiatives that would benefit the practice and its patients
  5. Charitable fundraising for local or national charities, or for specific practice- based needs such as equipment/facilities


  1. Membership is open to everyone within our practice population, but we will restrict numbers to 15, with a waiting list if demand warrants
  2. Members are expected to attend each meeting. If there are three absences, then we would seek to review the membership of that individual
  3. Members may resign either verbally or in writing to the rest of the group at any time, without notice
  4. The group has the power to suspend or terminate the membership of any member if it is felt that continued membership will be detrimental to the aims and objectives of the group and the group passes a majority resolution
  5. The group shall vote for the positions of Chairperson and secretary
  6. The positions of chairperson and secretary shall be re-elected annually but should not be held by any one individual for more than three years


  1. The group shall meet quarterly
  2. An agenda shall be shared with the group at least 7 days before the next meeting, with chance to submit items open at any time up to a week before the planned meeting
  3. Minutes will be recorded by the secretary and shared with the group in a timely fashion
  4. It is the responsibility of the chairperson to chair all meetings

National Association For Patient Participation

We are now signed up members of the National Association for Patient Participation. 
The association supports patients, professionals and PPG groups to improve communication and cooperation between primary care and patients.

For more information please visit the National Association For Patient Participation website