Repeat Prescriptions


If you think you may need a new prescription for medicine, please make an appointment with the doctor.

Ordering a Repeat Prescription

When you order a prescription online, you can have it sent electronically to a pharmacy of your choice. This is called a nomination.

Learn how to nominate a pharmacy

We do not accept requests over the telephone

If the doctor has agreed for you to have a repeat prescription, you may request repeat medication:

Using The NHS App

Order repeat prescriptions via the NHS App or NHS website, and have them sent to a pharmacy of your choice.

Learn more about the NHS App

Please remember...

  • Repeat prescriptions are normally for patients with long-term conditions who receive regular treatment.Your doctor will explain the repeat prescription system upon beginning regular treatment.
  • Please provide the exact drug names wherever possible.
  • Please allow at least 24 hours after submitting your request before collecting your prescription from the surgery or your chosen chemist. If using our online form, please allow 48 hours.
  • Your doctor will review all repeat prescriptions regularly.
  • Patients with some chronic illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and asthma will be seen regularly for monitoring of their condition.
  • Please tell us of any changes to your repeat prescription list made at the hospital or if you stop any medication by yourself
  • Do not stockpile unwanted drugs at home – return them to your chemist

Medication Reviews

We are moving to a more proactive recall system for medication reviews. Medication reviews will now align with birthday months. Messages will be sent out around the time of your birthday month, wishing you a happy birthday, but also inviting you to book appointments for monitoring and/or medication review. It may mean your review being a little earlier or later than previous years to get everyone aligned with their birthday month. Please bear with us during this period of change. Our GP Assistant Team will be leading on this.

Medication Queries

Please get in touch with the surgery to raise a query about your medication.

Contact us

More Information About Prescriptions